This is my COMMUNITY in Christ in the City!! 

My first week as a full-time missionary has been completed! :) I have been on a technology fast all week in order to enter in this new semester and to join together with my community and get to know each other! It has been a blessing and such a smooth transition. I really feel at home! The picture above is my team- all the missionaries serving with Christ in the City! So just want to touch base on how moving and training went as that's all that really went on this whole week!

So I flew in on Saturday and having two checked, two carry on, jackets, and a blanket made life SO HECTIC! So the smoothest part was getting rid of the checked bags! Then I stayed with my family for a little while, and took a few pictures, and then said goodbye for quite some time! I got in line to go through security. I thought I had a plan laid out, but like I said I had SO MUCH STUFF. I got it all in bins- whew! Well of course they want to rescan at one of the bags- whatever, so they did. Then I take my shoes, belt, empty my pockets, etc. Thought I was good so I go through the scanner, well my St. Christopher necklace sends a metal sign. GREATTTTTTTT. So I get pulled to the side so some chick can pat me, swipe her hands around the area of my chest that sent the sign. Whatever, got that done. Then I had to put everything BACK on. Bags are heavy. I'm sweating in my jacket. I just wanted some Starbucks. It was on the opposite of the small airport. Got it. Then sat and waited an hour for the plane to arrive. Once we started boarding, I had planned to sit closer towards the front. Well with everything I had made that DIFFICULT! I kept blocking people trying to walk. AHHHHH. Then once I got 1 bag in overhead & the other underneath. I had my jacket and blanket in my lap. I was flustered at that point. Then we all buckling in & the flight attendant told me I had to put my stuff in my lap in an overhead bin. At this point, I told him if he could find me a place then thats fine. Once that was done, the plane trip went pretty smoothly. I moved to a window seat on the 2nd leg of the trip after we stopped at Oklahoma City for an hour. Once I stepped off the plane, I saw a See's Candy shop! I hadn't seen one of those since I was a kid!!! It brought back great memories! :) So moving along I went to baggage claim to get my checked bags. Once I got there, I knew I need a cart to push because there was no way I was going to be able to do it all by myself. So I had a bag full of change and thought what better way to get rid of some. Well when I go to pull the pouch out- the whole bag falls out. COINS GO EVERYWHERE! Then I look up at the machine & guess what. Yep! You guessed it, it doesn't take coins (only cards and bills). Well I pick up my coins, and get a cart. Then wait for my bags. I watched both bags go around once before I picked it up due the fact people stand in the way & its not worth jumping over people to barely make it. Well I make my way outside to get on the hotel shuttle. It probably took 15 minutes. Once I got on, smooth sailing. Well except that I used my only cash I had on the cart so I wasn't able to tip the driver...felt bad! Once I made it to the hotel- I go to check in. She tells me she cant find my name. I'm like I know I picked the right dates. She finally sees it scheduled me to come in the next day...why? I dont know. Anyways, the hotel was wonderful. Good breakfast. When I woke up however to go down to eat, I saw a paper for my room cost. They had used my card to charge for the room for the night. I had bought a Groupon (which costed more than just walking in) *sigh* so I had to sort that out. Besides that it was good. I put some pictures together down below of my room!

On Sunday, I woke up to the beauty white outside as it was continually snowing down! It was a definitely a great welcome to my new home. At noon, two people from Christ in the City (Alex and Teri) came to pick me up from the hotel and it was nice drive to the house. We also prayed the Angelus, which I had never done before. So that was a new experience. Once I arrived at the house, I got showed to my room & got settled in fairly quickly. Once I was finally unpacked, I got to tour the house and make myself at home. I had met a few other others that were in the house. There was a handful that went to the FOCUS conference in Dallas (and they arrived on Wednesday!) After settled, a few of us went down to the local pub around the corner and watched FOOTBALL! The 49ers were playing Green Bay. Two of the girls were Packers fan, so it was fun competition. We actually had to leave in order to get to mass and begin back at the house. Mass and dinner was the beginning of Christ in the City. 

After dinner, we went down to Mercury Cafe, where they have swing dancing. It was fun, but my heart is still on Two Stepping! Luckily there are some hearty southerns so I think there is country dancing in the near future like this Saturday! Woo! Anyways, I definitely knew the basics due to SNE but I learned some of the extra basic stuff on top of that. It was good first night living in the house!

Then the next fews days were just training days, but my favorite part was waking up! Ha. But really, its been so joyful! We start walking to the Cathedral for mass every morning! YES EVERY MORNING! I love it! But we also pray the rosary on the way! After mass, we have our personal prayer time. I am hoping I can get more efficient in this time of prayer as I am not use to this time to just sit and talk to God. But I am really happy to have this time! The Cathedral is absolutely beautiful!! I will have to take pictures soon and post! The name of the church is called Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. 

Then on Tuesday night I went to the Wing Stop with a few of the guys due to the fact that all the women backed out because they were too tired but I could pass down $1 beers (Draft & Bottle) and 60 cent wings! That was great & plan to go again this week! To clarify, we cant have alcohol in the house due that fact there are quite a few that are under 21 in the house, which makes sense. Been there, done that in household life! 

So we have liturgy of the hours, breakfasts & dinners together Monday-Friday and some closed weekends- literally just like households in Texas! It's so awesome! Yvonne told me they tried doing Lord's Days the first year, but that group didn't like it because it was another commitment. I am thinking of bring it back once a month on a closed weekend since we have to eat together anyways! Definitely worth a try!

So on Thursday we went ice skating downtown & it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!

On Friday- We fought out where we were going to be placed like between an agency or the Taskforce! Agencies are working with the Samaritan House, Mullen Home, Catholic Charities, Regus University, etc. And the Taskforce is street ministry where we go out and talk to those that are homeless. Enter the conversations like any other. We are not going out to preach the gospel in a demanding way or to tell them how to fix their lives. These are people just like you and me, with souls! They need to know they have dignity and to accept that for themselves. Think about it- how more likely are you going to share about your failures, life situations, faith, etc with someone you just met. So we try to build those relationships. 
 With the placement knowledge, we received clothing too! A sweatshirt, TShirt, and Polo! And then we were also placed on different committees in the house! 
So I am on THE TASKFORCE! I am more than likely going to be on 16th Street Mall with another missionary Kevin, which there is a picture above with the clock tower. Two other people are on Capitol Hill (self explanatory). And I am also on the Frassati Committee, which mean I will be helping with events and birthday celebrations! Woo! 

Well thats really the highlights of this week besides 2nd Saturday and I plan to talk about that in the next post! Sorry this was ALOT, but going on a technology fast for a whole week and spending time with my community- it was expected! :) I shall talk again soon! Click above on Contact Me if you want my address and we can be pen pals! I love writing letters!!! 
OKAY! Its time to go to bed!!!

Peace Be With You


I think every year I make some extraordinaire resolution. Then when it comes down to December 31st, Im like most people. WELP! Guess its time to try again.

I want to stick with my resolutions this year and with it being 2014 I plan to stick with 14 resolutions. 

1. Write more letters. SNAIL MAIL! Something about letters bring so much joy in my heart. So much more personal, heart-felt, and always turn back to them in an old shoebox. Yes there is text messages, emails, etc. but those things get lost among all the other emails and get lost in the world of cyper space. Plus I LOVE the moment when a letter comes through and the postage stamp on the front stamped.

2. Limit my time on Facebook. This one might be hard... I am so use to jumping on and seeing what everyone is up to, making 49ers cheers! ;), picking up something good to read that friends repost, and keeping up who is getting married, whose expecting, etc. Therefore, to remain in contact (since ill be in a whole different state! and wont have close contact with everyone) I am limiting my time to WEEKENDS ONLY! 

3. PRAY MORE. I wont say I don't have a prayer life, but it remains inconsistent. I am thankful for the time of Christ in the City because its made in my day to go to mass daily, personal prayer time, and adoration once a week. I want to stick with it throughout the whole year.

4. To have a routine. I think I've failed at this all my life. Ha. But really. I want to make waking up in the morning and going to sleep a process. (Morning: Wake up. Thank the Lord for another day. My intentions for the day, prayers. Brush hair, brush teeth, makeup, etc with some music) :) (Night: Shower. Brush teeth. Say prayers and review conscience of that day). I think it may be difficult in the beginning but if I stick with it, it will be events that are smooth & not even thought of.

5. Learn to snowboard. I think its always been a childhood dream of mine. Never had the opportunity as I lived in California & Texas in my lifetime. I went to Lake Tahoe as a kid and did sledding & 3 times in Texas Ive experienced snow but not enough to pick up a winter sport! So I am excited for the opportunity, just hope I can get it down!

6. Eat healthier. I have the exercise down, but where I failed to keep my resolution last year is that I didn't choose my food properly. Again, with Christ in the City I will get back to cooking more & no eating out. I want to continue this throughout the year. 

7. Order The Magnificat & start a devotion. I want to grow deeper in my faith. I remember many of friends making concentrations, but I knew in my heart I wasn't ready for that in my life. I'd like to order the Magnificat and read what each day has and the readings of the day.

8. Be more thankful. I think many times I take things I have for granted. I am pretty blessed at what I have, even when I dont think I do. I know I am going to encounter people that are hurting- spiritually, mentally, physically. Asking to the Lord to help me decrease and offer to help in the ways the Lord wants me to. Physically or in prayer.
9. Letting go. Much so in a physical way than a mental way.. I tend to accumulate the things I have..especially CLOTHES!!! In my mind, I think I need something but yet I have so much already. I want to be able to downsize as I know I can live with alot less of things. 

10. Maintain my spending. There is a difference in things I want & things I need. If its big items, I tend to save my money to get it but its the little things that I need to think about and say, "Do I need this?" and "Is there something else you are trying to save for?" Also, learning to SAVE. Sometimes it can be hard but I know I can achieve if I put my mind to it.

11. Be open to what the Holy Spirit has in mind. Pope Francis said one time, "“Newness always makes us a bit fearful, because we feel more secure if we have everything under control, if we are the ones who build, program, and plan our lives, this is also the case when it comes to God. It is hard to abandon ourselves to him with complete trust, allowing the Holy Spirit to be the soul and guide of our lives.” Whatever it maybe to allow him to not let any mountain in the way.

12. To pray a rosary on top of a mountain during a sunrise. I love hiking and love the way of God creations are so breath-taking. I cant say Ive ever gone on top of a mountain hike and do that exact thing.

13. Make a new friend every week. Over the past few years, Ive noticed that making connections is pretty incredible. And what ends up happening is that you find out they know so and so, and you might know that person on the other side of the world. Its really great! I just want to be called upon and call other on as well. Making new friends always help discover more about yourself!

14. Last but not least, to keep BLOGGING! I want to to keep this blog constant as I want to go back and remember these memories over 2014! :)

Thanks for reading my resolutions & you're always welcome to hold me accountable! SO LETS BE PENPALS! ;) 

Peace & Blessings this New Year!

I make my way back down to the Hill Country! I came down and visited with dear friends and wish them a happy engagement in my final week in Texas! Tis the season of engagements! It's so good to see how the Lord has worked in their relationship. Its such a different feeling when you've known the couple from the beginning of their relationship to now entering an engagement. AH! Just so happy for all of the couples! 

I feel like every year I get to be bitter about the whole New Years tradition, of how you kiss someone at midnight. There has been only one time I kissed someone on the strike of midnight which had no special meaning after that night, but ALL the other times it’s either been my parents, my sister, or sadly just my dog. Not totally ideal but happy its with people/ animals I love. Ha. I think this year I want to do something different. I think I am going to head down to St. Matthew’s and spend my New Years with the Lord at midnight mass.

I will say I am excited about this year and what is in store. I have a good feeling about this one. I am turning 23, which is my favorite number. I am about to embark on a new adventure to Denver, CO and become a full-time missionary with Christ in the City. I will meet new people and experience new things (like skiing and snowboarding! J) But I will have the time to just be. To just BE with the Lord. Daily mass, personal prayer time, community life, spreading the Gospel, and becoming a stronger woman of Christ. I am just beyond excited  to share what is to come!

Because at the age of 22, I am still working on who I am, what I’m doing, and who I’ll be doing it with for the next year… let alone for the rest of my life.  And that’s okay. I find myself happy in what I am able to do now. Many people ask- what are you doing after school, after your mission work, etc. And you know, I don’t know that answer! And I am glad. I’m happy living in the present and I guess just knowing what direction to take the next step. When the time comes I will know what to do. Thanks be to God! But I always take in the account that I may meet someone, spark a previous relationship, and make new connections that could take me somewhere I never imagined. If you were to tell me 5 years ago- Ariel, you’re going to have this kind of spiritual background, experience these moments, and become a full-time missionary. I’d be like NO WAY, what makes you think that? But that’s the beauty of life. Each day is an opportunity. An opportunity to live & grow, grow into a better person of yourself & who you dear to be. Many times you’ll ask someone- Do you regret the decision you made? >80% of the time, they will say, yeah there was ups and downs but no I don’t regret my decision one bit. That’s my exact experience. I don’t regret one thing in my life. Yeah there were plenty of times I just wanted to hide from the world. But when the moment cools off & time turns, life goes on. We live. We learn. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today.

Some day, I want to get married too. I want a floor length dress with my long hair over my shoulder. I want to see the man that I have such a spiritual, intellectual, and physical connection (moments shared in the times of friendship and engagement) at the end of the alter waiting for me in front of all my family, his family, our friends, and especially God there to witness. Two becoming one. I want it to be so elegant, breath taking, and unimaginable. A day to never forget. I want to tell my children and my grandchildren of how magical that day was in house of the Lord, and continued every day after that. But what I WANT right now and what I NEED are two entirely different things. I NEED to develop my relationship with the LORD and MYSELF before I can truly be the type of woman my future husband WANTS to marry.

So the streotypical “You’ll find your husband in college” didn’t happen.. and I perfectly okay with that. I really grew new life over my years in college. This next step will be something to look forward to. The Lord has something in store- developing my heart & his heart. So that it’s self-giving of each other. This time is truly a time of prayer- as I take a new step in my life table, he may be taking a new step as well. Life is a constant discernment. I cant wait to meet whoever he is, and if I already met him, I cant wait to start a relationship with a purpose of marriage. 

"Best wishes for a good ending and a good beginning and may you start the year with the peace of the Lord." -Blessed PGF
Happy New Year y'all!

So this is my first posting on my new blog. Still trying to figure out all the do-hicks & thing-a-mobobs! But I'm sure I'll get the hang of it all. So if you if you are actually reading this post, you must really want to know how life has taken me! So I commend you, and glad you find interest! As of right now, I am planning to make this a more private blog and then go live as January 5th rolls around- when the big move happens to DENVER! :)

This blog is supposed to be more personal whats in my heart, what I want to remember, and overall what I want to share. Fair warning! There is going to be the ups & downs. ;)
I find this time as a time for reflection. The time I have been blessed at Texas State University over the past 4 years. Reminiscing. I plan to share a little sometime this next month. College moments are supposed to be treasure. What better time than at the beginning of my blog.

Please feel free to comment, praise, critique, or just talk! I'd love to chat, pray for you, or hear where the Lord is leading you! Here is to embarking on a new journey!

I want to add a song that I am listening to now & about close my eyes for the evening. 

God Bless.